Studie im Rahmen einer Diplom-Arbeit. Online-Umfrage zum Thema: "Gebrauch von Präsentations-Software in Vorträgen". Dauert nicht länger als 5-10 Minuten.
Denny Reibig
University of Leipzig; Institut of Sociology
November 26th 2007 - January 20th 2008
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Part of a diploma-project. An online-survey about the usage of presentation-tools. Duration: 5-10 minutes.
Denny Reibig
University of Leipzig; Institut of Sociology
November 26th 2007 - January 20th 2008
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Gesucht werden Teilnehmer (m/w) für eine arbeitspsychologische Online-Untersuchung an der Universität Würzburg. Die Teilnahme an dieser Studie wird belohnt - jedem sechsten Teilnehmer winkt ein
Marion Wittchen, Daniel Schlereth
Professur für ABO-Psychologie der Universität Würzburg
October 27th 2007 - December 27th 2007
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The StudyResponse project facilitates online research for behavioral, social, and organizational science researchers by distributing email participation requests to adult research participants. The StudyResponse project
Alana M. Edmunds
Syracuse University
September 24th 2007 - November 24th 2007
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Mediennutzung im Internet
Benjamin Hoffmann
Universität Duisburg-Essen
August 15th 2007 - October 15th 2007
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In this study, we investigate which factors influence the credibility of a website providing health care information. Credibility of a website is how much you
Hien Nguyen, Judith Masthoff, Peter Edwards
Computing Science Department, University of Aberdeen
August 9th 2007 - October 9th 2007
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Das Web-Experiment "Help, I need somebody to tag!" ist Teil meiner Master-Thesis, in der ich kollaborative Indizierungs-Systeme wie, Connotea oder CiteULike untersuche. Ziel dieses
Tobias Kowatsch
Hochschule Furtwangen University, Faculty Digital Media
July 4th 2007 - September 4th 2007
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This experiment is part of my thesis which is about collaborative indexing systems such as, Connotea or CiteULike. The goal of this experiment is
Tobias Kowatsch
Hochschule Furtwangen University, Faculty Digital Media
July 4th 2007 - September 4th 2007
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Wie nutzen Sie das Internet?
Benjamin Hoffmann
Uni Düsseldorf
July 1st 2007 - September 1st 2007
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The purpose of this study is to investigate people's attitudes towards e-commerce.
Adam Joinson & Yau Ching Hercules Chan
June 27th 2007 - August 27th 2007
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